
Quicksand – Slip Tee

Before the Gorilla Biscuits played a reunion show at the Palladium in Worcester, MA, a whole crew of us were heading to Nancy Changs for eats. And when I say a whole crew, I mean, a whole crew. Like 14-15 people. It was Pike, Sweet Pete, Merrick (of course), myself and four fifths of the Gorilla Biscuits crew. Everyone was down for eats, except Walter.

I told Walter about the restaurant we were going and how it had some cool veg options, but he was passing. Instead, he wanted to go for a jog. Keep in mind, this was on a Saturday in the beginning of August. It was hot as hell and Walter just wanted to go for a cruise around the wonderful streets of Worcester. I gave him a few words of warning, and off he went.

Later, after the rest of us were full, Walter came cruising back from his jog. When I asked him what he thought of Worcester, he replied, “it’s really nice.” Now I’m guessing he must have jogged through a dimensional port hole because I’ve never heard anyone describe the immediate area around Main St Worcester as “nice.”

No matter. He jogged and then played an amazing show. In an outfit of white. White pants, white tee, white shoes, WHITE CAPE. Yeap, white cape. Great look. Genius dude, no doubt.

Vintage Quicksand – Slip Tee tee

Vintage Quicksand – Slip Tee tee

I never saw Quicksand play, but every time Mental covered Omission, I would lose my mind. I miss Mental. Boston Straight Edge!

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  1. colin says:

    i was hoping his refusal to dine w/ you guys was going to somehow turn into a “dine alone” reference…!

  2. b. murphy says:

    I’m certainly not witty enough to come up with such an appropriate reference.

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