
Alive and Well Fest Tee

Oh Alive and Well Fest, it’s been over a decade, but I remember you well. You were much more memorable than your concert tee.

Vintage Alive and Well Fest Tee tee

Vintage Alive and Well Fest Tee tee


Talk about your stacked line ups. Sadly, the Trusters and I didn’t stick around for the second day because there was a Madball show in Worcester the next day. Yes, you read that right, we went home to see Madball and I don’t even remember who instead of Burn, Breakdown, and Floorpunch. “Don’t blame me, I didn’t drive there” is the only excuse that I can offer. Some highlights that I recall:

-hearing sketchy noises galore coming from boarded up buildings along the boardwalk as we walked to the convention hall.
-it being my first time seeing Underdog and 7 Seconds. Neither disappointed me in the slightest.
-Murphy’s Law having what seemed like half the crowd come up on stage with them for the entire set.
-Hare Krishnas giving out food. I do not remember if it was good food, so I’m guessing it wasn’t.
-DHU and the Follow Through Crew owning it with stage dives from the main stage during SOIA.
-Madball playing a bunch of Look My Way songs and the pitting frenzy they created making me finally realize that it was a good record; it just had underwhelming production.
-Hearing even more sketchy noises coming from the buildings along the boardwalk while Btrust and I walked around listening to the Michael Graves fronted Misfits from outside and talking about how we wished it was Danzig.

Strangely, I can’t remember a thing about the Fury of Five set. I must have been hit in the head.

Vintage Alive and Well Fest Tee tee

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One Comment

  1. Jayb says:

    Good show review. This was one of those fest that has 100s of video cameras at it yet none of the vids ended up in the wild. I think i only managed to track down SOIAs set

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