Author Archives: morgado
Project X Cheap Bootleg BIN.
Clearly this Project X longsleeve from cdvll is some sort of boot or reprint, it looks pretty good (assuming that SCHISM logo only looks crooked because of the wrinkles anyways), and it’s only a 10 buck BIN. I’ve seen people pay more for worse.
The Lockin Out Showcase.
If you’re familiar with the LOC thread on the B9board, you know that brooklynrussellxxx is a LOC fan. So I’m sure it’s paining him to auction off the tee from the Lockin Out Showcase, even if it’s to help him pay for his zine… I believe the story behind the shirt is it was made… Continue reading ».
Stick Together In A Hard Stance.
Seller soulcraft1977, he of the honchoing of Reaper Records (I am pretty sure we have referred to him as “Reaper Records head honcho” at least a dozen times this year) also has up some non-Reaper related merch. In this case, the swank~! Stick Together Hard Stance rip off longsleeve, and the Stick Together cap, which… Continue reading ».
Reaper Records head honcho soulcraft1977 is making with a couple rarities here, as these Trapped Under Ice tees weren’t actually sold at This Is Hardcore unless you knew to ask for them. Not sure how many were made, under 100 would be my guess. Size M Size L