Author Archives: morgado
Animosity 1985.
Cooch would probably love this Corrosion of Conformity tee from wrexrec. I know I do. Got the Pushead album artwork on the front, a sick looking ram horned reaper on the back with a pair of demons… so cool.
Yo Joe (Again).
We’ve seen a Revelation Records related Gi Joe tee before (well, related in that Ray Cappo had one of the ones we saw before), but this one from eatbiggetbig2010 is of a different breed, in that it was apparently actually made by Rev as part of their never ending quest for old school GI Joe’s…. Continue reading ».
TUI Trio.
It’s been awhile since we’ve posted up any Trapped Under Ice basketball jerseys, and since then, they’ve changed up the designs a little bit. We’re gonna start with the 08 version, and then move on the ’11’s, while simultaneously moving backwards in terms of design complexity… which is not a criticism, mind. I really like… Continue reading ».