
BIN Terror baseball jacket

I’m not quite sure what the market is right now for satin Terror baseball jackets, but I think in_vinyl_we_trust is in the right territory for a quick sale. Thoughts?

Vintage BIN Terror baseball jacket tee

Vintage BIN Terror baseball jacket tee

Vintage BIN Terror baseball jacket tee

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  1. Deadliest Catch says:

    Will be resocked in the next week!

  2. Brian/IVWT says:


    haha :)

  3. luca says:

    I know they don`t mean it in a religious way but keepers of the faith it`s still a pretty hard statement to wear in public

  4. Jose says:

    First things first, it will be restocked and if you don’t believe so contact all in yourself and ask when it will be then facepalm after you hang up.

    SECOND, yes KOTF is a pretty hard statement to wear out in public and i say this based off of the experience i had of being asked what church I belonged to. (didn’t end too well when they noticed TERROR written on my chest) Along with that, it kind of gives people the first impression that you’re married to jesus >_<

  5. b. murphy says:

    I wear my hood to the gym daily. I’ve never once had anyone ask me about religion.

  6. Brian/IVWT says:

    Keepers of the faith is a hard statement?

  7. Brian/IVWT says:

    Try wearing a shelter shirt with two fucking tattooed feet displayed on the back of it (complete with swastikas)

  8. luca says:

    …mmm shelter swastika feet shirt ha? I don`t know if I`d rather be mistaken for a christian or a nazi, tough call :)

    I have this blacklisted shirt with a little kid holding his teddy bear, maybe I can just wear that every day of my life.

  9. Brian/IVWT says:

    Nazi Krsnas 4 life

  10. Deadliest Catch says:

    Oh yeah, Jacket was restocked yesterday.

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