
Bl’ast & Santa Cruz

Back in the day, Santa Cruz put out some ads featuring an amazing picture of Bl’ast playing at the top of a half pipe. It was huge. And Roskopp was going huge too. You could find it in either Transworld or Thrasher. But Santa Cruz did up some posters too. And the poster is very much in demand these days. Someone then went ahead and transferred the image from paper to cotton. Below is their handiwork. I remember dudes talking about this shirt on the LWR but can’t recall where it came from. I should probably just ask the seller. He’d probably know.

Vintage Bl’ast & Santa Cruz tee

Vintage Bl’ast & Santa Cruz tee

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  1. Casey says:

    Its a bootleg that was ABSOLUTELY NOT approved by the band. They actually sent the maker an email telling him to SHUT IT DOWN

  2. b. murphy says:

    Holy shit, really? I knew it was bootleg, didn’t realize it was so contentious.

  3. Clevo says:

    I wear this shirt all the time. Printed on American Apparel shirts. I should scoop this one so I have a spare.

  4. sacha says:

    weak shirt

  5. Jayb says:

    I don’t know why dudes are down on this shirt. I think it’s pretty chill. A nice homemade 3 sides longsleeve. I think blast sending the dude a cease and desist email is a little excessive considering the dude only made a dozeN or so for himself and only sold off the extras on livewire. It’s not like he’s that shitty Italian bootlegger in eBay. It wasn’t like it was a reprint of a legit design. Dude was a fan and noT doing it to make bank. Whatevers. I have this on yellow with maroon/green ink. Not printed on an AA shirt. Like clevo i wear it all te time too

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