I really wish killingfvckingtecnology gave more information on this hideous abortion I see before me…
No, not that gross looking skull, the hat itself…
That’s right: a flip brim Judge trucker hat. Yeah. I guess if you’re really into thrash, yet also love Judge, this is something you’d be into, but I look at this and just go “ew, no”. Bringin’ It Down merch or boot, it matters not. Maybe if it was just a plain Judge trucker hat I could find it in myself to live with it, but that NYHC/Judge hammer mess under the brim tips it way over the top and brings me way down.
my best guess is he(or she) made it and that in itself is a crime against humanity
Looks like the hammers are backwards too haha!
Still cyco.
it looks like biohazard item more than judge.
I wish I never saw that.
Why are the hammers see through?