
BURN shirt, the math just doesn’t add up

This shirt comes from the collection of nerveagent aka patrick166 aka Slavko. This is a precautionary tale. Consider yourself warned. Sometimes people have no issues. Other times, BIG issues. Everything from shill bids to shirts that don’t show up. Then again, some people have only ever had positive interactions. Like we say, the math just doesn’t add up.

Vintage BURN shirt, the math just doesn’t add up tee

Vintage BURN shirt, the math just doesn’t add up tee

Vintage BURN shirt, the math just doesn’t add up tee

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One Comment

  1. jbil says:

    Nice~ a retweet from Senta Numb! Whats up Senta

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SENTA NUMB. SENTA NUMB said: Awesome!!! RT @teetilldeath: TTD Update: BURN shirt, the math just doesn't add up http://bit.ly/cC09jF […]

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