
Chain Of Strength bootlegs for all…

…well at least three of you. There is a nice selection of Chain Of Strength bootlegs for sale on eBay at the moment. First one up is a replica of the oh so elusive “Drug Free Youth” sleeve print shirt. I forget the back story on this design, but I believe it was a Chain/Unit Pride/Step Forward smash up. No clue how many original ones exist/existed. Maybe this one is original, who knows. Good looking shirt though.

Vintage Chain Of Strength bootlegs for all… tee
Ahhh my personal favorite. The classic Navy Chain Of Strength shirt. It’s really getting hard to find an original one of these floating around. If you have one, let me know. I need a double. It’s one of my favorite shirts.
Vintage Chain Of Strength bootlegs for all… tee
Last but not least is a standard white and green Chain shirt. You know the classic style of this one will never get old. Go bleach your hair then get a bid in.
Vintage Chain Of Strength bootlegs for all… tee

Vintage Chain Of Strength bootlegs for all… tee

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  1. Tim says:

    I have a large navy puffy print. hit me up!

  2. rob says:

    lol @ a 50 dollar BIN for a boot

  3. RickyJxxx says:


  4. mike puffer says:

    I would also like to buy a chain navy ttd shirt sometime soon!

  5. NLHC says:

    i love the drug free youth one

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