
Crushed Under Foot!

As a fan of Floorpunch, I feel obligated to support this shirt. But on the inside, I cringe at the lack of POS. Where’s the PMA? What happened to just hoping to god that someone would OD on that shit? Instead, it’s now a nike dunk to the skull. Not sure how I feel about that. Can’t fault the color combo though (silver lining, or the ability to see the good in things no matter what?). The seller appears to have a slew of other tank tops so check em out.

Vintage Crushed Under Foot! tee

Vintage Crushed Under Foot! tee

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One Comment

  1. jim c says:

    aren’t there 2-3 non-edge dudes in this band? or is that the joke? bummer to see not cool looking FP merch, they usually nailed it.

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