
Does Not Compute.

Clearly, seller leewaysean was at the BNB Bowl Saturday, because that’s where these Gorilla Biscuits tees were being sold. And for the life of me, I Do. Not. Understand. This. Tee.

Vintage Does Not Compute. tee

The giant GB head is pretty much a merch staple now, I get that. But uhhhhh… was this screen made from a blown up size small mpg from Google images or something? I seriously don’t get the intent here.

Side note: this Terror basketball jersey/vest that the seller also has up? Definitely also saw these behind the merch table at the BNB.

Vintage Does Not Compute. tee

Vintage Does Not Compute. tee

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  1. luca says:

    it`s just 16 bit version of the logo. kids love that shit check it out:


    shirt is pretty sweet

  2. XHenkkaX says:

    Or you can just get the jersey from Merchconnectioninc for $32.99 and not support this turd.


  3. tre says:

    miles per gallon?

  4. morgado says:

    MPG like the video file. Which I confused for a JPG. This is why I missed out on the internet boom.

  5. no names please says:

    “It looks like shit. What the hell is he doing, printing that from a JPG? Motherfucker needs to be using TIFF files, dude. My face looks all computery and damn pixelated.” – Kenny Powers.

  6. jay destro says:

    they were selling those gb pixel heads as “limited edition” at bnb bowl

  7. the mosher says:

    maybe its a nod to ppl out there that buy/sell bootlegged shirts.

  8. klane says:

    feels like this “limited edition” thing makes shit taste like candy sometimes

  9. leeway sean says:

    screw u pal, when i got this stuff, the jerseys were sold, the GB shirts were limited,
    if u had any $ or brainds u woulda dun the same think!!!
    punk ass bitch

  10. leeway sean says:

    xhenkka, ur a shithead, so mind ur own business, I’ll sell what i want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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