
Down, But Not Out 2003.

Seller coldstares has asked for our help on this one…

i cant exactly remember the story behind this shirt, but i think it was for a one off reunion. perhaps someone on teetilldeath.com can refresh everyones memory. i dont think there were many of these made, and i kind of feel bad selling it, but i never wear it. great condition. i need to get the demo on my computer but i am terrible with computers. someone help me out.

Vintage Down, But Not Out 2003. tee

Vintage Down, But Not Out 2003. tee

Well my friend, as official DBNO historian, I’ve got the goods for you. These shirts were sold at the DBNO reunion show in 2003:

Vintage Down, But Not Out 2003. tee

Believe me, setting up a DBNO reunion show… no small feat. Rowan was unable to gig, so DFJ had to drum, which means the bass slot needed to be filled, and since I had already learned the unrecorded songs on bass (from an attempt at a post-DBNO band with BTrust, DFJ, and Craig Mack), I ended up on stage with a bass instead of in the pit where I belong (Sweet Pete took the bass at the end for Straight Edge Revenge so I at least got to go off for that). My skill on bass…. passable at best. But I digress.

Josh P and Ben P from Rampage surprised us all with the shirts at the show. None of us had had any idea that they were making them. I don’t know the exact counts, but I know there were also some white shirts in girl sizes, and a long sleeve for DFJ (so jealous). The back is clearly a take on the Cro-mags DBNO ’89 shirts.

As far as the recordings go… DFJ and I have tried to come up with schemes numerous times to get a final recording session out of the band (as well as another reunion), but nothing has ever panned out. Painkiller Records have often spoken of their desire to put the demo on vinyl, but since the original recordings are long lost in the arms of similarly long lost original bassist Crucial Chris, that seems like a pipe dream as well. So what I’m saying is, I don’t have any problem posting this for whoever wants it:

DBNO- Caught In A Cycle demo + comp tracks.

Vintage Down, But Not Out 2003. tee

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  1. jayb says:

    I have this shirt although i dont like it as much as i do the original one cause the face looks all streched out. But beggars cant be chosers.

    still love that demo too! it gets regular play

    still looking for the otherr DBNO shirt. holler at me if you have one you wanna let go

  2. brian says:

    thanks for posting the music. now i can listen to the demo at work over and over again. yeah, the face looks a little off. still a great shirt, but does me no good sitting in my drawer.

  3. Matthew Botvin says:

    i was hoping i could snag this one under the radar. ah well, still hoping to get it in my possession though.

  4. tre says:

    Or… you can purchase the demo from me when I ebay it next week… :)

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