
DYS sweatpants

Can you imagine Murphy rolling to the dump with his wolfpack wearing this little number? I can. That dump guy better be generous with the dog treats.

Vintage DYS sweatpants tee

Vintage DYS sweatpants tee

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  1. Simón says:

    So glad you posted this; I almost sent it in when I saw it yesterday.

  2. Josh says:

    I’ve never seen grey ones. My frend (with the Minor threat hotdog tattoo) has the black ones. They rule!!

  3. Nick says:

    I’m so pissed these aren’t made anymore. My girlfriend is pretty stoked on it, though.

  4. josh says:

    There will be new DYS merch for the ‘Boston Crew’ reunion show in August. I doubt there will be sweatpants though.

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