
Et Tu Pushead?

Because I want the first Metal Monday of 2011 to go big, I naturally made an effort to try and find some Pushead drawn gear to post. Surprisingly, there wasn’t much up right now. That is to say, there wasn’t much that wasn’t ridiculously over priced by vintage sellers or made post-Load. What I DID find… well, let’s just say this Pushead drawn shirt being sold by backside_kickflipis bending the Metal part of Metal Monday just a smidge…

Vintage Et Tu Pushead? tee

Could have been worse. Could have been Queensryche.

Vintage Et Tu Pushead? tee


(Those are tattoos, not arm hair. I know, I thought it was too.)

Vintage Et Tu Pushead? tee

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One Comment

  1. xfarsidex says:

    (Those are tattoos, not arm hair. I know, I thought it was too.)

    i thought it was something worse.

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