
Floorpunch Sound And Fury 2009

Over the last few years, Floorpunch has been hitting it hard around the globe. Unofficially, they played their Final, Final Show over the weekend. We’ll see if that lasts. In the last 10 years, I’ve seen more scab lineup FP gigs than I ever saw OG lineup FP gigs. A little funny. But you know the FP crew never fails to impress. In 2009, they rolled out to Sound And Fury. I was jealous. Before rolling, they screened up all sorts of special gig merch. This tee would be one of those. I never got one, but am hoping to scoop this one from bcox631. We shall see. Shoot outs to morGODo on the surfing mosh man.

Vintage Floorpunch Sound And Fury 2009 tee

Vintage Floorpunch Sound And Fury 2009 teeVintage Floorpunch Sound And Fury 2009 tee

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  1. Brett Hardware says:

    BMurf… what do you mean by scab line-ups? All the shows since the Robby benefit were all 5 guys. I know Port did some FP songs with other bands up your way, but that was only a couple of times prob. 6-7 yrs ago.

  2. b. murphy says:

    Oooofffff, good call Brett. That’s my bad. And apparently just hyperbole. I checked my list and I think the only scabpunch line up I ever saw was on Oct 17, 1999. Pretty sure every other show was all 5 dudes. Yeap, my bad. Thanks for keeping me honest.

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