
From The Suicide Files.

It’s no secret where The Suicide File found the inspiration for the shirt that scheetzo41 is selling right now…

Vintage From The Suicide Files. tee

…but do you know where they got it for the one modbasher187 is selling?

Vintage From The Suicide Files. tee

No seriously, I’m asking you. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually seen this shirt, and it turns out I was misremembering it as being the old Black Bart pirate flag. Obviously it’s not, since that’s clearly Uncle Sam and a shovel not ol’ Barty and an hourglass. So where’d it come from? Knowing Dave it was something old timey and historically cryptic…

Vintage From The Suicide Files. tee

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One Comment

  1. clevo says:

    Sam McPheeters did the art for the Uncle Sam shirt.

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