
It’s Our Turn…

Now, I don’t know very much about Out Turn, so I can’t say whether or not its.les’s BIN for this is reasonable… I’m guessing not.

Vintage It’s Our Turn… tee

Now this is actually a really nice looking shirt. In a strange way, it reminds me of if you combined a Cornerstone tee with the A Wish To Dream UC shirt. But literally the only thing I remember about this band is that they opened their set at Posi Numbers 2004 by doing the intro to the Hard Stance song Our Turn, causing DFJ, CC, and myself to come running out, dive right off the stage, and start moshing, only to slink away bummed out when they didn’t play the entire song. And that’s literally all I’ve got. So if they were huge or something and the three of us missed the boat, by all means please let me know.

Vintage It’s Our Turn… tee

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  1. Jay says:

    Somehow I missed the boat on these guys too. I love the fucking comparison too, throw a little NFAA in there too for good measure. I know a lot of younger coremin into these guys.

  2. xactionxjacksonx says:

    $65? geez. these are bay area kids. i personally was never too into them. seemed like nice kids, but i didn’t know them too well. i took the cover photo for the limited version of their demo, but that’s about my involvement with the band. if this shirt goes for $65, my demo must be worth like a million dollars!? haha.

  3. Les says:

    you guys are right. i know i’m asking a lot for it, i even wrote that in auction’s description. i didn’t expect it to sell it for this much either. i will change it to $50 and see what happens.
    i just figured that its pretty hard to find it in new condition now hence the high price.

  4. Steven says:

    This dude is out of his mind starting it for that high or keeping it this way. Our Turn were big for a minute out here on the West Coast, let alone nationally in the hc scene. The shirt is beige and not that croosh and there are two other color ways of this shirt that are much better. 10-20 bucks tops you can get for this. I know first hand because I sold my OT stuff a few years back and never broke much higher than that.

  5. Tim says:

    Our Turn fucking ruled.

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