
KOTF: Get Rich Quick Scheme

Last week, Trapped Under Ice was the hot ticket in town. The jackets were flying left and right up and over ebay. This week, it’s Terror and the Keepers Of The Faith satin jackets. It’s seriously ridiculous. So ridiculous that a hood & lp. That puts money into the band and labels pocket. Do it right.

Vintage KOTF: Get Rich Quick Scheme tee

Vintage KOTF: Get Rich Quick Scheme tee

Vintage KOTF: Get Rich Quick Scheme tee

Vintage KOTF: Get Rich Quick Scheme tee

One positive. No stolen pics this time around.Vintage KOTF: Get Rich Quick Scheme tee

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  1. XHenkkaX says:

    It’s a good look, though, plus I’m pretty sure the band got paid for these, too. If I remember right these sold for $45.

  2. Max302 says:

    When I bought mine they were supposedly out of 50, and I spent 45 plus shipping to get it.

  3. Nate says:

    Im pretty sure we live in a country, where we are free to sell whatever the fuck we want, for any price we want, and if people are willing to pay that price, than who cares. The jacket IS limited, and goes for a lot. So does old school records, new Rival Mob shirts and just about anything else that has become the next big thing within the past year. So please, make another one of these blogs about all of that.

    I have made shirt designs, GIVEN my photo’s to MANY top, and not so top bands at NO cost whatsoever, and let them do what they please with them. Which in the end costs me money(a lot), and helps them out a lot. So i think i am doing it right.

    So go and cry somewhere else about ‘doing it right’. Find something else better to do than flex your hardcore muscles on the internet, you dont impress anyone.

    Fuck you and fuck your website.


  4. Casali says:

    We also live in a country where we have free speech. Move along.

  5. b. murphy says:

    We live in a country where people love to overreact and eat donuts and drink PBR and ride fixed gear bikes and shop on etsy and go to shows and … wait, what were we talking about?

One Trackback

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tylur Thompson and jason edge, TeeTillDeath. TeeTillDeath said: Update: KOTF: Get Rich Quick Scheme http://bit.ly/a6jDub @terrorhardcore #kotf […]

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