
LOJ & Time Travel

Lion Of Judah know how to time travel**.

No joke.

It’s amazing.

I hung with Ritter last weekend. He didn’t mention any time traveling abilities to me, but they must exist.

Here is their 2006 tour shirt. A good one, no doubt.

Vintage LOJ & Time Travel tee

Vintage LOJ & Time Travel tee

And here is there 1999 tour shirt.

That’s right, 1999. Click the picture and check the auction yourself. I’m sure the seller wouldn’t make something like that up***.

Vintage LOJ & Time Travel tee

Vintage LOJ & Time Travel tee

** at least, according to silverruins.

*** how the hell did the seller come up with “1999 tour shirt” based on those pics??Vintage LOJ & Time Travel tee

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One Comment

  1. R says:

    Haha Silverruins is nutty… Not sure if they still do, but they used to buy vintage Slayer, Danzig and random metal shirts and then list them at a 30% mark up.

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