
Mailbox Report : Outburst shirt

This little gem arrived on my doorstep earlier this week. I have been looking for one of these in a size other than small and in a decent condition. This one fits me perfectly and is in great condition. I still am looking for 2 other Outburst shirts, the one with the weird round graffiti on the front and the one with the pocket print. Drop me a line if you have either. I have been trying to find it the hard way.

Vintage Mailbox Report : Outburst shirt tee
Vintage Mailbox Report : Outburst shirt tee

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  1. Marco says:

    is this that reprint from the dude in Italy? I dig the Blackout Records font on the back. If this is on all those shirts, I might have to drop some cash for it.

  2. Casali says:

    Real deal man.

  3. Marco says:

    Ah, I was thinking that was the case. Dig that back font … very space invaders/80’s feel to it..ha,ha.

  4. jim c says:

    outburst is still the most overrated nyhc band.

  5. Marco says:

    overrated = hell yes.

    “The Hard Way” = possibly one of the hardest songs that a NYHC band put out. Hell Yes.

  6. Ronie says:

    OHHH, so this is where that shirt went haha. Lucky. I have the one with the round logo but i’m not looking to get rid of it anytime soon.

  7. drew says:

    Overrated? are you fucking serious. If you went away forever there would be no loss

  8. boyracer_ says:

    Do you have one with the baseball dude on the back?

  9. Casali says:

    I do not, but I would like to see that. Send me a picture thecollectionspace@gmail.com

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