
March photo contest

Congrats again to last month’s contest winner Mary. She has been hitting the gym hard, and is almost ready for power lifting competition.(Keep your eyes peeled Tumbusch.) Here at Tee Till Death headquarters, we were under the assumption that she was giving it to her man. OOPS! Sucks to be you dude!

Vintage March photo contest tee

Now onto the new contest. We still have a gaggle of shirts to give away, and this month we will be handing out 3 shirts. It is real easy to enter. All you need for entry is to add a picture of yourself wearing your favorite hardcore shirt to the March Photo Contest Album in the TeeTillDeath Facebook page

Bonus points awarded if you actually purchased the shirt after we featured it right here on Tee Till Death.

So simple a caveman can do it. Here is my pile of shirts you can pick through if you win.

Vintage March photo contest tee

Murphy’s pile is better.

Vintage March photo contest tee

JayBil’s pile consists solely of Schism, Wishingwell and Positive Force shirts and he said he’s not sharing. YET.

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  1. Diego says:

    I need that Edge Day FP shirt….I’m entering.

  2. david says:


  3. drew says:

    hahaha I will def keep an eye out!

  4. thefleX says:

    Love the EDGEpants.

  5. Mary Beth says:

    Haha. My boyfriend has the shirt but I look cuter on the internets!

  6. josh says:

    how do you post a photo to the facebook photo album?

  7. Morgado. says:

    Yo man, if you don’t heart* DFJ anymore, you can definitely just give that shirt back to me. Dick move, dick.

  8. b. murphy says:

    Giving away a free shirt is a dick move?

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