
Maximum Penalty

Maximum Penalty is that band that I feel I should like more but dont. In fact I couldnt even tell you last I listened to anything by them. I figure listening to them is just taking away from time that could be spent listening to Breakdown. The only time I can recall seeing them at a gig was at Hardcore for Hunger and we left before they went on. I mean after seeing Straight Ahead do you really need to see anything else?!? If I was smart I would have stopped going to shows completly on that day. End on a high note. Hindsight is 20/20 right. My question to you – are there any MP super fans? Im guessing there are and they are probably the same people who payed $70 bucks for an uppercut shirt a few month back
Vintage Maximum Penalty tee

Vintage Maximum Penalty tee

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  1. dmurph says:

    I’m an MP superfan. 3rd favorite demo behind Raw Deal and Breakdown. I love the skitterish guitars and the bouncy, sped up mosh parts. B Boy delivery, great ad libs(Let’s go! Whaat up!) Better than Outburst easily! I think of MP live, and it would be me, the Indian(“of That ain’t Mackie, that’s Wackie” fame), Singer from District 9 w/ the Puerto rican backpack, Ratbones and alot more from the NYHC doc going wild, but not many others

  2. Hernik says:

    max pen is fucking great.

  3. jbil says:

    Oh shit a dmurphy cosign! I’m in!
    Someone upload me some mp3s pleeze

  4. Brett Hardware says:

    Murphy… you do know that Wackie and The Indian are two different people right? And The Indian is no longer with us (standing hard in the pit in the sky).

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