
Nine Inch Nails Lot

I know at least one of you out there has to be a closet superfastbuyer? That’s your reward for sticking it out with Trent for so long. Awesome.

Vintage Nine Inch Nails Lot tee

Vintage Nine Inch Nails Lot tee

Vintage Nine Inch Nails Lot tee

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  1. georgeb says:

    yep I like them a lot … and have no embarrassment admitting it(!!) – the crowd at the gig I saw ties with SOIA for the most
    extreme at a gig I’ve ever been to … was going to tell you about this auction anyway – but now it ties in with this post nicely – I know you like eBay items to have little stories behind them


    I like some of those shirts but this is the only one I really want


    last time I saw it on eBay someone was selling a new one but they wouldn’t ship overseas

    just wondered if you’re doing a write-up on your UB experience anywhere?

  2. b. murphy says:

    Holy shit, that story is psycho. Wow. Fuck …

    A UB wrap up is a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. antonio says:

    I too love nine inch nails and that story was nuts. I’d be surprised if there were many people who loved type o but didn’t care for nin.

  4. danny says:

    1992, i was 12, wore the shit out of the tan downward spiral shirt

  5. Andy says:

    No embarrassment here. Love each and every NIN release.

  6. thom k says:

    why should anyone be embarrassed for listening to nin? they’re plain awesome. if anyone has an OG ‘pretty hate machine’ longsleeve they are willing to part with, hand it over immediately.

    @danny:you must have been seriously ahead of your time when you were 12, especially since ‘the downward spiral’ wasn’t released until early 1994…

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