
Nine Inch Nails tour shirt

Does it strike anyone else odd that Nine Inch Nails would make a shirt that looks like this at arguably the height of their popularity? I mean this could have been made on Trent Reznor’s kitchen table shortly before they performed on the Grammys. Maybe it’s the white shirt that throws me off, as I would have assumed all the merch produced by NIN would be black/gray.

Vintage Nine Inch Nails tour shirt tee
I am also surprised that there are no bids on this shirt. While it is a little different, it seems cool enough that a casual fan would want to pick it up for $10. You won’t see this one in Hot Topic, that’s for sure.
Vintage Nine Inch Nails tour shirt tee

Vintage Nine Inch Nails tour shirt tee

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  1. the mosher says:

    thats a nice find gents. sharp design.

  2. Mike M says:

    As someone who collects NIN shirts, and was also at the Denver show listed on the back, I can say that this is the type of shirt soldin the parking lot after the show. This was not for sale at any of the merch stands that evening.

  3. Daveveal says:

    Yeah. That anyone would think this is an official NIN design is hysterical. Neither Rob nor Trent would’ve approved the attrocious city font or the overly large NiN logo on the front. Har. It certainly was made on someone’s kitchen table just not anyone associated w the band.

  4. Emily says:

    thats a nice find gents. sharp design.

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