

Don’t be surprised if that, of the two original tee’s that baosgarden is selling, only the Chain of Strength tee sees any major action. I have a hard time seeing anyone killing themselves to get a Burn tee that’s only slightly different than the one Rev still sells…

Vintage OG’S. tee

Vintage OG’S. tee

Who am I kidding, this one looks way cooler than the one Rev sells. No Shall Be Judged on the bottom, all reds and yellow hues in the image, on it’s way to being concert gray… def way, way cooler looking. I bet it’s nice and soft too.

Vintage OG’S. tee

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  1. Eatnails says:

    He’s already pulled them both.

  2. morgado says:


  3. Casali says:

    What were you waiting for man!

  4. Adam says:

    Fuck sellers who pull auctions. Just post on msg boards if u wanna just sell like that.

  5. b. murphy says:

    Lets see. 1) ebay has about 600 gagillion more viewers than a message board. Sellers like that. 2) pulling auctions early saves 2 trillion dollars in fees. When was the last time you sold an item on ebay? The fees are outrageous.

    I wish he had accepted my offers, but I have no ill will or animosity towards the seller or the new owner.

  6. dan says:

    I pulled the auction because buyers I will ship to outside the US were being blocked from bidding and it was gonna turn into a total fucking nightmare if I didn’t start from scratch. I will relist the shirts in the near future when I get the shipping preferences sorted out. Like the Revelation posters I sold before I rejected all offers outside of ebay. OG? Yes the COS is original. Thanks again for the interest.

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