
“Original” Schism Records Tee

The seller has this one listed up an “original schism tee.”

Uh huh.

By original, he means, “released by Bridge 9 records a few years ago.” Not screened by Alex Brown or Porcell. Not screened at the Schism HQ. Not screened by Schism Records.

Now, it is a legit release. It’s not some bootleg from Florida or Idaho or Germany. It’s real and authentic.

But “original?” I wouldn’t call it that.

If anyone has an OG one sided Schism Records tee, hit me up. I want it.

Vintage “Original” Schism Records Tee teeVintage “Original” Schism Records Tee tee

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  1. josh says:

    I hope this sells for decent money cause I have one I’ll sell!

  2. jim c says:

    i wonder if this is being sold by someone actually in mehkago nt, that band rules.

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