There was a time when Ensign was playing all over the east coast every weekend. It seemed like they were on every show. They were fun to see. I dug the 7″s and that first LP. Recently I put those same recoords on to see what was up and they did not hold up for me at all. Too bad. I remember tha song they had on the “growing stronger” comp being real good too. Anyone have mp3s of that?
remember Ensign?
The Mongoloids – Biohazard shirt
Is this it? Have we reached the pinnacle of TeeTillDeath? I can’t even write a proper description for this. Two great tastes that taste great together!
Internal Affairs And Charity
Big fan of everything going on in this auction.
Internal Affairs – great band, great dudes, lots of mosh.
Design by Michiel Walrave – good dude, great artist, lots of mosh.
All money being donated to charity – good dude, great heart, lots of mosh. Actually, I can’t verify that last one. Haven’t seen this dude in 5-6 years.
Sorta bummed this dude isn’t wearing a buffalo plaid hat. That’d be perfect. Well, perfect in my eyes. Then again, I’m not artist.
So go bid on all of these auctions, and know that you are giving back.
Make Out Club 2002 Tee
Raise your hand if you still have a Make Out Club account. Hands up, c’mon, I know you are out there.
Ok, put your hands down.
Now raise your hand if you have never heard of Make Out Club?
If you are in the second set of hand raisers (I’m guessing there were probably only 2 people in the first set.), let me explain. Make Out Club was started before the dawn of Facebook and MySpace. In fact, it was designed for the hardcore community at the get go. I know it was run by Gibby from The Trouble and Panic, and was probably helped out a lot by The Dedication crew. Over time, it would expand to encompass WAY more than just hardcore kids. Eventually, MySpace blew it out of the water.
But don’t fret, it’s still up. You can still go over there and hook up with like minded girls, or boys, or shemps.
Until then, pick up this shirt and relive your glory days of making out.