It’s snowing A LOT at the moment.
I’ve already shoveled the driveway, but I’ll have to do it again before leaving for work.
When I go out and shovel, I’ll probably wrap up with a Bane scarf.
A BANE SCARF? Yeah, that’s right, they exist. Judging by the give blood logo, you’d think they were released 8 years ago, but that’s not the case. These were made up before a big winter Euro tour just 2 or 3 years ago. I’d have to ask Marcus how well they sold, but I know they had Bane few left when they came back to the US. Maybe very few were made? I’m not sure.
I don’t think I’ve ever worn mine, actually. It’s a hard style to rock unless you are a super UK Football fan. That’s what these scarves feel like.