
Good Lookin Out.

So ok, a couple days ago I screwed up big time and slapped an “OG” label on a Leeway longsleeve that the seller had CLEARLY labeled a reprint. Like, “said so 3 times in big multi colored letters” clearly. Boy, was my face red. Thankfully for the site, one of our commentators pointed it out, so Murphy could quickly correct it, and thankfully for me, there were two Leeway longsleeves up there. See, in checking the other seller’s auctions, I found a longsleeve that actually is OG (and still at it’s 99 cent start price) to hopefully make up for it. Next time I promise to do a better job of lookin’ out. Perhaps even a good one.

Vintage Good Lookin Out. tee

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2 Responses

Like That SOIA Jacket, but Shiny

Some of us will just drool over that varsity jacket that Morgado posted earlier. Our pockets are not as deep. Or maybe, we prefer to wear more vegan friendly items. For you, H2O jacket isn’t a SOIA jacket at all. BUT, the back does feature Toby (see the connection here?). That counts for something, right?

Vintage Like That SOIA Jacket, but Shiny tee

Ok, ok, it doesn’t count at all. I guess I’m just …

Vintage Like That SOIA Jacket, but Shiny tee

That’d be “guilty of associating with Morgado.” His terrible puns are ruining my posting style.
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Whatever Happened To Dead Black?

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Vintage Whatever Happened To Dead Black? tee


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7 Responses

Jules SBS Charity Auction Round 3

The fine fellows at DCXX have just upped a new batch of Jules’ records for auction. If you will remember, every penny will go to relief efforts in Japan. Click the picture below to check out the items. There are not any MEGA rare records in this batch, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a item in your collection that had such an interesting previous owner?

Vintage Jules SBS Charity Auction Round 3 tee

Speaking of interesting, the boys also dropped the fourth installment of their interview with Jules. As usual it’s an interesting read from a man who has managed to stay out of the spotlight for many years. Be sure to click on the pics to read this one. You won’t regret it.
Vintage Jules SBS Charity Auction Round 3 tee
Vintage Jules SBS Charity Auction Round 3 tee

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