Unless your name is Jimmy Flynn or James Garvey, you probably won’t understand the cool factor of this jacket from nysarsenal. Not your fault, of course. Not everyone can be a Jimmy Flynn or a James Garvey. That’s probably for the best. As for me, I loved Tree. Every weekend through out 1994 to 1996, you could probably catch me at Zootz watching Tree in awe. They played every weekend with Sam Black Church. And there was LOTS of hard pitting. Or at least, my teenage mind perceived it as hard moshing. You know that pit. One dude gets in the middle, does some spin kicks, air punches, the works. But back then, it wasn’t 120 lb boys in girl jeans with black fingernails. It was scary looking mother fuckers. Weight lifting types. One time there was a huge black dude moshing with a broken arm. He had one arm in a cast but was just losing it. Lots of punching into the crowds, lots of potential violence. It was quite an experience. To this day, Surf Aids still makes me want to mosh.
That BIN is cheap. Dumb if you don’t. Continue reading »