Seller ilovexryanx has a great user name, but I have the sneaking suspicion it’s not a reference to Ryan from Outbreak’s old website. Used to be some good videos up on that thing. None of Sam Black Church though…
Five Blocks To The Ice Rink.
I can skate that any day…
No other words are necessary, it’s a Biohazard hockey jersey for cryin’ out loud. It’s AWESOME.
Cancerous Growth
Im not gonna front, I dont know shit about this band. They are from Mass. I do know that I back this shirt though. Good looking punk graphic and band name. I bet cooch knows all about them and probably owns some kind of weirdo acetate or like thier birth certificates or some other kind of obscuro awesome item. With a shirt like this can they be that bad? Who else can tell me about them?
Break Down The Walls
Stains or not, unknown size or not, I’m saying joesm00th‘s original Youth Of Today “Break Down The Walls” shirt is still pretty sweet.
Red White and Blue… always a good color scheme.
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