
Piss Off Society Or Your Parents Or Someone …

God Free Youth. Definitely a slogan from the mid 90s. The backlash against Krshna-Core and “Spirit Filled Hardcore” (barf. Nothing makes me want to punch out my ears more than someone describing a band as “spirit filled hardcore.” Seriously. Makes me want to punch my own head off. So bad) was heating up in the late 90s. People were over it. They were over the pushy distro tables, over waiting through chants and seances for music, just over it. Not that everyone got out of it. Just the majority of the crowd had enough. A small portion of that crowd took it to the next level. The God Free Youth. Instead of pushing JC, they pushed NOT JC. These two items may not be from 1996, but the intent is the same. dungholder brings us the Pulling Teeth Deathwish Inc tee (oddly, this shirt is probably less than 6 miles from me as we speak. I wonder if the seller is friends with mr Jd Nard?).

Vintage Piss Off Society Or Your Parents Or Someone … tee

Vintage Piss Off Society Or Your Parents Or Someone … tee

Vintage Piss Off Society Or Your Parents Or Someone … tee

Vintage Piss Off Society Or Your Parents Or Someone … tee

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One Comment

  1. xfarsidex says:

    would wear the shirt if i knew and liked the music. love to see this slogan during shows especially in these stupid times we still live in.

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