
Seller Spotlight – fakerudy

Here’s another gem of a seller. Do you like your early 80s california punk & hardcore? Dumb if you don’t because this guy has all the good shit. Seriously, the best shit. fakerudy has been hitting up shows since the early 80s. We caught up with him, check it.

Vintage Seller Spotlight – fakerudy tee

Vintage Seller Spotlight – fakerudy tee

1. How did you get started in the punk/ hardcore scene?

It all started for me when The Clash “Combat Rock” came out. I knew that I’d never be the same again. Living in nowhere Kansas, I had never been exposed to punk. For the first year (1983), I listened to U2, Berlin, Missing Persons thinking that this was punk, then I stumbled across a college radio station that played punk and hardcore. When I heard that first hardcore song I knew that “this is what I’ve been looking for.”

Vintage Seller Spotlight – fakerudy tee

2. How did you amass all these amazing tees?

Mostly going to shows and hitting record stores. I was too impatient for mail order, plus I always enjoyed the thrill of a good find!

Vintage Seller Spotlight – fakerudy tee

3. What’s the strongest memory attached to one of these shirts (like a great show, or a funny merch table discussion)?

Way too many!!! Probably the Black Flag “Loose Nut” shirt. That was my first show and my first time to ever meet other punk kids. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Vintage Seller Spotlight – fakerudy tee

Vintage Seller Spotlight – fakerudy tee

Great first show. Just imagine. All his gear is mind blowing. He’s got a little bit of everything. But if the 80’s aren’t your thing:

In a few weeks I’ll be selling all of my shirts from the ’90’s. Thanks for the interest!

You know we’ll be watching!

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