So seller jedi138 is looking for suggestions as to what BIN price to put on this Spudmonsters tee…
My personal suggestion? BIN it at 10 bucks and sell it to me haha. But seriously, I actually have no idea what would be a good BIN price for one of these. It’s been my experience that Spudmonsters merch goes all over the map, never super expensive mind, but anywhere from single digits to 30 or 40 bucks (tho honestly, that’s been a rare sight). So if anyone has any suggestions for him, the comment section is right there… oh, and before I saw his comment wondering about what a good BIN price would be, I originally had intended to post this so that I could post this new Spudmonsters video:
New record soon, I’m psyched!
always thought that they were kinda cheesy and hearing this new song is not gonna change my opinion.
i’m with patrick. the whole package doesn’t work for me at all.
be that as it may, this was the first band i ever stagedove to.
this was one of the first hc bands with biohazard i ever saw live.
ill buy it now for 15 buck
for future reference, it went for $13.34