
Suicidal Tendencies Show Review Part 2: CRO-MAGS.

And away we go with part 2 of my review of Sunday night’s Suicidal Tendencies show in NYC… haven’t read the first part? Well go on over to Vinyl Noize, and check it out, cuz I’m spreading the love (and the review) out amongst the Noize sites… go ahead, go and come back. I’ll still be here, checking out this Cro-mags lot from iwaschaboy

Vintage Suicidal Tendencies Show Review Part 2: CRO-MAGS. tee

All caught up? Good, because now, conveniently enough, we’re on to the Cro-mags set from Sunday. And as you’d expect from the ‘mags on their home turf, it was freakin’ insane. It helps that the ‘mags are one of the few hc bands that can take the concert vibe and make it work for them, though JJ trying to get half the room to do “Don’t” and the other half “Tread on me” with a practice run before they did the song was awkward. We’re talking dudes being inspired to start moshing in the lobby intensity. Clockwork Orange music into World Peace/Show You No Mercy? Yes. Crush the Demoniac? Yes. A couple Bad Brains covers dedicated to memory of Jerry Williams? Yes. Rise and Fall intro? OHHHHHH yes. And a raging sea of moshing and thrashing humanity through out. Def a weird mix of people up front, as there were lots of old hc dudes, young hc kids, giant hessians in leather jackets, girls with very smooth and surprisingly un-sweaty skin (it was close quarters up there, what can I say), dudes with dreads, dudes dragging their girlfriends through the pit like cavemen to try and keep them out of the way yet still up front (fail), and while not up front, I kid you not, this show was attended by at least three midgets. No seriously, I saw three separate midgets at this gig. Which is kind of cool. They’re also the only people who would fit into this old ‘mags shirt from blackrebelvintage:

Vintage Suicidal Tendencies Show Review Part 2: CRO-MAGS. tee

Vintage Suicidal Tendencies Show Review Part 2: CRO-MAGS. tee

Thing looks super short and stretched out. Anyways, the best part of the ‘mags, and possibly of my night, was seeing my boy Steve STB for the first time in almost 5 years. Dude looked great, and was losing his mind to the ‘mags with a giant smile on his face. It was like old times.

Part three coming soon to Absurd Noize!

Vintage Suicidal Tendencies Show Review Part 2: CRO-MAGS. tee

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  1. Jon says:

    You’re totally right about the midget thing! I counted four and a half. “Don’t Tread On Me” could be a little people anthem.

  2. mosher says:

    looks like a good belly t 2 me.

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