

I always get a kick out of it when bands utilize the Nike swoosh (tho ironically, not so much when random tee makers slap EDGE or VEGAN above it, go figure). And we’ve got a pair here that I like very much: a Terror crew neck from this year’s United Blood with a Reaper Records swoosh, and an E Town Concrete take on the Just Do It tees of the 80s that tweeks the swoosh into a pistol. An interesting version to say the least…

Vintage Swoosh! tee


Vintage Swoosh! tee


Vintage Swoosh! tee

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  1. Dan Dan says:

    Terror crew neck is in the Reaper DIY store:

  2. morgado says:

    Good lookin’ out. I couldn’t remember if they were still selling it or not and didn’t have time to check around when I was scheduling last night.

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