Blacklisted & American Nightmare
Oh man, I don’t recall seeing this Wes in NY Mag? It’s a pretty good, well worth reading.
Found: American Nightmare Hood
During load out of the Title Fight, Dead End Path, Menzingers & Touche Amore show last night at the Worcester Palladium, this shortysgotpop16. He may want to change his ebay name to shortygotdropped.
Wee sized Nightmare
If this shirt wants so tiny I think it could command a pretty good price. This is one of those instances where people should have thought of the future. Either the dude doesnt fit in the shirt anymore(ie got fat), doesnt want to look like the cast of the Jersey shore with a muscle tee,… Continue reading ».
There’s blood in the water
If you see blood in the water you should probably go to the doctor. There could be a few causes. First if it is in your stool it could be one of the following Colorectal Cancer, Crohns Diesase,Uclerative Colitis or even a Hemorrhoid. Second if it is in your urine it could be Hematuria or… Continue reading ».