couple of RJs BINs
inmyyouth09 has a couple BINs mixed in with his other auctions. Scoop them up before someone drops a bid and the BIN is gone. If you dont love DFJ you are in the wrong place
Justice Go Vegetarian BIN
As far as Hardcore joooooom has this one up for a reasonable BIN price. We get asked about this one a lot so snatch it up. Also, look into some animal friendly oxyclean. This one needs it.
Our Turn and Have Heart
whyzell has pulled together a smart auction here. In one auction he provides the original and a great nod. Our Turn was big. San Francisco brought it on this one. And Have Heart … shit, nuff said. Stay On Point. Armed With A Mind. Both excellent slogans and both got the kids moshing. I like… Continue reading ».
Shipwreck AD
Here are a couple of great Shipwreck items from patrickxjonathan. I always loved seeing Shipwreck. Great gigs, lots of mosh. Somehow, I always seemed to see them in Brockton. Lots and lots of Romans gigs with Shipwreck.One of my favorite Shipwreck gigs was NOT in Brockton though. It was actually at a Knights of Columbus… Continue reading ».