Black Flag vintage tee???
Here is another Black Flag shirt from that same seller as the “Slip it in Tour” shirt. I have NO idea if this is legit in anyway at all. It looks like it was printed on an old shirt but now-a-days who knows? Anyone have any insight? If not spend that Xmas dough!!
BF & ST stickers
quick post Just some cool cheap stickers. Check out the sellers other things if youre into old Skate stickers from powell and santa cruz.
Black Flag Slip It In tour shirt – misprint??!?!?!?!
wow oh wow. This is my shit! I may start going after old Black Flag tour shirts next. I would buy this one right now if it was bigger. Fuck my size. For that BIN price I would BIN in a heartbeat in my size. Such a good shirt. I think this shirt is also… Continue reading ».
Ending soon: Black Flag, TFS, Sub Zero, Mouthpiece, Smorgasboard
Here you go folks, some last minute Sunday items, most on the cheap. Black Flag baseball shirt Mouthpiece LP era shirt Smorgasboard shirt SubZero shirt The First Step crew shirt (you can also buy a wedding dress if so inclined)