Another Busted X-Rated Swatch
Wait, did you think I meant an ACTUAL busted x-rated? I thought that was pretty funny. I think Morgado would be proud. No worries, you are in luck. the other day. The second hand is stuck. I’m guessing it’s loose and stuck at 6 — I’ve seen that happen before. Bummer.
Busted No For An Answer Tee
No For An Answer was always a 2nd or 3rd tier Revelation Records band. First, they weren’t from the east coast, that easily knocks them out of the first tier spot. EASILY. Second, they weren’t Chain Of Strength. So they could never be the BEST West Coast band on Revelation Records. But it should go… Continue reading ».
bustedchain of strengthNFAAno for an answernyhcrevelation records
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