
Noose Crewneck

What do people think of Noose? I’ve really only heard ABOUT Noose, never heard them. Minus these live videos I’m peeping on their blog. Something about “vegan straight edge” bands playing youth crew inspired hardcore has my blood pumping. I can get behind that, no doubt. Definitely looking forward to seing this band at Sound… Continue reading ».


Attn. Chicago Straightedge

I found your shirt. Holla back.

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Rodman or Pippen?

I think everyone recognizes Michael Jordan as the official Big Dawg of the Chicago Bulls (hell, the whole NBA, really). But who comes after him? Who’s second best from the late 80s, early 90s Bulls? Dennis Rodman with his rainbow hair, ridiculous tattoos and giant piercings? Or Scottie Pippen, clean shaven, go to man? For… Continue reading ».

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Billingsgate Chicago

Does anyone ever listen to Billingsgate? I mean, anyone besides the xSTUCK IN THE PASTx crew? I’ve never even been to Billingsgate Island/Shoal off of Cape Cod. But I really should. Good history there. I don’t think I’ve ever heard their album, Reach Out either. Shout outs to an amazing varsity jacket on the cover… Continue reading ».


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