Smells Like Dead Guy
Does it feel like we are seeing a lot of The seller states “they are a band,” but I’ve never seen this one. Can I get a ruling from someone who lives in Florida? Chip, obviously. nuhgnuh
Poster Power.
Get your frames ready, because seller bnahoum1974 has 4 cheaply started, quality looking posters up right now, and while none of them are a NYC Together comp poster, each one is still suitable for framing. Well, 3 out of 4 anyways. Total late 90s post core stylee on this Rev COS reissue poster, but I… Continue reading ».
Death To False Barney
Remember that Death To False Metal Deadguy shirt I posted up just a few days back? It languished at $7 and ended with one bidder. This Death To False Metal (no, not that bnahoum1974, though. It’s ugly, it’s purple, but it’s Deadguy. I have no clue what Tony Victory was rolling around in his bald… Continue reading ».