Madball 20th annv. shirt
Its hard for me to believe that Madball has been in existence for 20ish years! I guess “Ball of Destruction” did come out that long ago but still. Fuck its even harder to believe that “Set it Off” came out in 94! I remember being with Ed Heley when he picked it up at Tower… Continue reading ».
BIN – Madball 98 ringer
Ive posted before about this shirt and that Im not into it but people are so here is the post. Too expensive for me BIN but with the current Madball market id say its not that bad of a price. Enjoy
Madball 93 tour
It seems like people have a real taste for Madball shirts recently. I have seen this one up a couple times and it always goes for a pretty penny even though I havent seen one with good measurements. They are always way too huge. I used to own a drug rug version of this shirt… Continue reading ».
Madball 357
If I was forced to wear a jersey that was not Latrell Spreewell of Lebron James it would be this one. In my humble opinion this is the freshest out of the millions of jerseys we have unearthed here on TTD. Again I cannot stress enough how surprised I am at the sheer amount we’ve… Continue reading ».