Year End BINs
Air Jordans and they would suffice. Probably DTN approved gear …). Check em. Love that Rev Records sleeve print! He also has my favorite other auctions for more RVA HC…
DTN: Two Flavors
Down To Nothing seems to have a split personality at times. Could go hand in hand with @DavidXWood’s hair style. From clean cut, youth crew to shaggy tie dyed, Down To Nothing gives you a little bit from both sides. Take these two tees. They probably couldn’t be any further apart on the shirt spectrum…. Continue reading ».
DTN Mesh Hat
When it comes to hats, I’m a 5 panel kind of guy. 5 Panels than Fitteds than Beanie than Mesh than Mosh. That’s my hierarchy. Granted, I’ve never worn a mesh or mosh hat, and likely never would (really, I’ll never wear a mosh hat. You can carve that sentence in stone). BUT, if I… Continue reading ».
Down To Nothing Gets Real.
Seller furyofzane must not be aware of this, since he mentions it nowhere in his auction, but this is actually a rip off design… A rip off of what band? Why Brick NJ’s own Get Real of course. Hence the “Brickmond” on the shirt.