
This time its affordable

adam_ohhc is selling a REPRINT Fury of Five jersey. The keyword folks REPRINT. I’m glad he was honest and didn’t let the price on this jersey get out of hand. I wonder if he picked this up at the Tsunami Fest last year.

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Skarhead/Fury of 5 Vests.

You know what I didn’t see enough of at UB last night? Vests. Sure, Backtrack had their own for sale at their merch table, but there weren’t nearly enough people sporting the ill jerseys like the ones twitchingtongues is selling… Terror is playing today, the vest count better skyrocket. (Yes, I have finally adopted the… Continue reading ».

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We slept on this Fury of V windbreaker from xmaulx is a XXL, so we’re probably gonna strike out there too… Well, you know what they say: thems the windbreaks. (Worst. Person. Ever.)

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Amongst seller leewayyy’s batch of auctions are these longsleeves, ranging from awesome to hideous to ok. That’s right, I gave a Fury longsleeve a meh. I’m sorry, I love the At War With The World record, but let’s face it, as a shirt, it’s just ok.


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