This time its affordable
adam_ohhc is selling a REPRINT Fury of Five jersey. The keyword folks REPRINT. I’m glad he was honest and didn’t let the price on this jersey get out of hand. I wonder if he picked this up at the Tsunami Fest last year.
Jersey Shore
It never ceases to amaze me at the prices that BBall jerseys command these days Heres a couple fromletsgetseriousss props to SOIA on the USA jersey and a newer one from mikhailaedge
Late 90’s NJHC was tough. Jersey went from having posi straight edge bands (Ensign,Mouthpiece,Handstied,Ressurection,Floorpunch,97A) to street tough bands like Fury Five, E-town Concrete, One 4 One and of course NJ Bloodline. These bands had been around most of the 90’s but became more popular toward the end of the decade. I’m not sure if it… Continue reading ».
Feel The Fury Style.
Seller xjokexohiox picked up some Fury of V merch from the Fury of V Jam at East Coast Tsunami Fest this summer, and now he’s passing it on to you. Not interested in bidding? Then the least you can do is head on over to BurningXTime and read a couple of really excellent interviews full… Continue reading ».