Gorilla Biscuits 91 euro tour
loop88 just doesnt stop with the dopee auctions this week. He says he got this one direct from Jordan Cooper so you cant really get more direct from the source than that. I love the big gorilla head on the front. I was a little bummed when they did the same graphic for all the… Continue reading ».
GB Euro Tour BIN
rl-d2 is offering up a GB shirt I happen to like for a not bad BIN price. I think this is what it would go for if it was auction style. If I has some extra dough I would have scooped this myself. Good luck
GB mid 90s steeze
You can just tell what time period this shirt is from by the way it hangs off a hanger. Not to mention the colorway too. Besides natural was there a more mid 90s color than hunter green??? Im into the back of the shirt. I think the colorway is pretty good looking for that. I… Continue reading ».
BIN Gorilla Biscuits Paul Frank reunion show shirt
Anyone looking for a $35 Paul Frank Gorilla Biscuits shirt? I’m not sure exactly what these go for, but this does not seem too bad for a show bought reunion shirt. Please let me know if I am mistaken.