mid90s Gorrilla Biscuits
This shirt screams 90s. From the center placed front graphic to the shitty hunter green shirt color(natural was also a popular choice). Also Im pretty sure every band shirt form the 90’s came only in XL. Whatever you urges you have though, please do not tailor your shirts 90s to size “smedium” ruining them for… Continue reading ».
Gorilla Biscuits shirt and Insted rag
Sweet deal? You get a GB “Hold Your Ground” shirt plus an Insted rag. The seller has a good racket going. He probably wouldnt be able to get any money for the Insted rag on its own but he will probably get a few extra bucks out of the GB shirt now. Not sure what… Continue reading ».
Gorilla Biscuits – Start Today Crew neck
Here’s a slightly suspect item. Check this description: in 2000, i worked at a print shop that made some shirts for Revelation Records. one day we were printing GB shirts. before we turned the machine off, i threw this navy blue crew neck on and printed what was the BACK of the shirt on the… Continue reading ».
Calling Gorilla Biscuit Fans
I found another “Hardcore Starter Kit.” This one is for the Gorilla Biscuit fan (actually, peeping some of the other auctions, there is some dope stuff in there: Underdog EP on blue, Brotherhood LP on purple, … Shit, some good stuff). You can pretty much get everything you need with this lot. LP, EP, some… Continue reading ».