H2o Go
Again I am still am baffled by the sheer amount of jerseys. Still more so by the high prices they are getting. Are there any bands making jerseys today? If not dudes should be jumping onto this money train!!! Are we contributing to this trend or just reporting on it?!?
Soccer jersey time
Again posting more weirdo jerseys. Seriously why were/are there soooo many different jerseys? Here is a simple h2o jersey for their 2000 spring tour. At least this one is pretty minimal. A shiney satin-ish Snapcase soccer jersy from 94. Are they the first band to rock soccer jersey?! Anyone know other bands from that time… Continue reading ».
Straight Edge OG Starbucks Tee
In my opinion, this shirt is cooler than Andrew Thomas Co tees. Those tees all seemed to have the cheesiest of cheese messages. Everyone seemed super predictable to me. Say what you want about this design, but I think it’s pretty clever. Also, do these people realize you can still buy this design and others… Continue reading ».
H2O East Coast Epitaph Tee
I’ve always loved H2O. That first album is an all time favorite. It’d be top 10 material if it featured fewer skits. The skit can drag at points where you just want to keep moshing. The live show. Fuck, the live shows are so good. I’ve seen them play shows to empty rooms (the Palladium… Continue reading ».