Jersey BINs for Big Dudes
Yo big dudes. Head over to southjerseyhxc’s auctions and snag some of these gems. Anything between XL to XXXL. That’s right. Three X. Small dudes need not apply, unless you plan on wearing this with a friend. Actually, please do that.
This time its affordable
adam_ohhc is selling a REPRINT Fury of Five jersey. The keyword folks REPRINT. I’m glad he was honest and didn’t let the price on this jersey get out of hand. I wonder if he picked this up at the Tsunami Fest last year.
Blood For Blood Jersey.
One last one from janvanderdam for today, though I’ll be back with more from him for tomorrow. Makes it right easy to do this site, he does. Anyways, I’m not a big fan of the color of this one, especially for a BFB jersey (I refuse to call it a vest. I feel like calling… Continue reading ยป.
What’s The Deal With Vests?
Seller in_vinyl_we_trust brings us another one of our favorite things: the basketball jersey, or as Murphy and Casali call it, the vest. Clearly I missed something somewhere along the line, because I have absolutely zero clue where that came from or why they’re running with it, but if it works…